Santa Susana Board Members 2023-2024
President (Kimber Cork)
The responsibilities of the Office of President are as follows:
- Preside over all meetings of the Board.
- Appoint chairpersons of all committees required to assist the organization throughout the year.
- Supervise and assist committees in their various functions.
- Assure that the rules, By-Laws, policies, and principles of SSBB are carried out.
- Sign all documents and be an alternate co-signer with the Treasurer and the Secretary, of the organization’s bank account(s).
- Appoint any officer (including any vacant position) to the Executive Board, which the President deems necessary for the administration of the organization, with the approval of the Executive Board.
- Prepare or have prepared an overall plan and schedule for the upcoming year. Plan should be submitted for Board approval at the first regularly scheduled meeting in September.
- Be responsible for the distribution of the League By-Laws to each member of the Executive Board. A current and properly updated copy of the By-Laws is to be handed out to all Board members no later than the second Board Meeting in September.
In the event it becomes necessary to backfill a Manager position due to circumstances that the position is needed and all other possible options have been exhausted, it is the responsibility of the President to step in as Manager or Coach and fill that position.
Vice-President (Jesse Morris)
The responsibilities of the Office of Executive Vice President are as follows:
- Presides in absence of the President.
- Directs Division Directors
- Serves as organization representative, in conjunction with the Director of Field Maintenance, at the Vice President’s discretion, to Rancho Simi Recreation and Park District.
- Coordinates all League playing activities.
- Serves as Rules Committee and Commissioner of Divisions
- Serves on By-Laws Change Committee, as Chairperson
In the event it becomes necessary to backfill a Manager position due to circumstances that the position is needed and all other possible options have been exhausted, it is the responsibility of the President to step in as Manager or Coach and fill that position.
Secretary (Anca Anderson)
The responsibilities of the Office of Secretary are:
- Presides in the absence of the President and Vice President
- Record the minutes of meetings.
- Handle all league correspondence including insurance, All Star applicants, and tournament applications.
- Keep for reference, copies of the Constitution, By-Laws, and all other records and papers which may be entrusted to his/her care.
- Provide and maintain all records pertaining to the operation of the league, all player records, insurance policies, claims, birth certificates, waivers, releases, and all other league records shall be kept by the Secretary, or as directed by the President.
- Provide information to the Publicity Director and Web Director on forthcoming events.
- Record the minutes of each Board meeting. A typed copy shall be signed by the Secretary and President and provided to the board within 72 hours of meeting.
- Record attendance at all meetings. Attendance and absences just be recorded in the minutes.
- Will be an authorized signer on the league’s bank account(s) with the President and the Treasurer.
- Will keep a list of tenure in absence of the President, Vice President and Secretary.
Treasurer (Denae Adair)
The responsibilities of the Office of the Treasure are as follows:
- Collect and disburse league funds.
- Authorized signer with the President and Secretary on the organization’s bank account.
- Maintain financial records.
- Provide copy of the financial statement to the board at least bi-weekly
- Responsible to see that all tax liabilities are met for the league
- A copy of each financial statement shall be forwarded to the Secretary of the Executive Board for permanent filing
- Needs to establish a budget for the upcoming fiscal year and present to Executive Board
Chief Umpire (Chris Harris)
- The Chief Umpire shall be encouraged not to manage or coach in their respective league.
- They are responsible for securing sufficient qualified and trained umpires to handle the umpire duties of this organization
- Responsible for holding an annual umpire clinic prior to the start of each season.
- Responsible for assigning umpires to each game in every division.
Player agent for Shetland, Bronco, Pony (Victor Adams)
- This organization shall have six (6) Division Player Agents. Each division shall have one (1) Player Agent per division, those divisions include Shetland Minor, Shetland, Pinto, Mustang, Bronco, and Pony. Player Agents may not manage a team within their own Division.
- Maintain a balance of Strength among teams in the division and constantly remind everyone connected with the programs that the welfare of the players and of Santa Susana Boys Baseball, Inc. as a community project, is paramount rather than a single manager or team with designs only upon winning.
- Establish and supervise tryouts (with assistance from Division Directors.
- Supervise (with assistance from Division Director), the player draft for each division.
- Serve on Rules Change Committee and By-Laws Change Committee)
- Serve as a Chairman for All Star selections for designated Division.
- Represents Division Managers and Coaches at all Board Meetings.
- The Player Agents shall complete the required number of D.O.D. shifts.
Player Agent for Foal, Pinto, Mustang (TBD)
- This organization shall have six (6) Division Player Agents. Each division shall have one (1) Player Agent per division, those divisions include Shetland Minor, Shetland, Pinto, Mustang, Bronco, and Pony. Player Agents may not manage a team within their own Division.
- Maintain a balance of Strength among teams in the division and constantly remind everyone connected with the programs that the welfare of the players and of Santa Susana Boys Baseball, Inc. as a community project, is paramount rather than a single manager or team with designs only upon winning.
- Establish and supervise tryouts (with assistance from Division Directors.
- Supervise (with assistance from Division Director), the player draft for each division.
- Serve on Rules Change Committee and By-Laws Change Committee)
- Serve as a Chairman for All Star selections for designated Division.
- Represents Division Managers and Coaches at all Board Meetings.
- The Player Agents shall complete the required number of D.O.D. shifts.
Snack Bar Director (Diane Adams)
Responsible for maintaining, running, and staff the snack bar and grill during the season.
- Must maintain current Food Handlers Certification
- Staff snack bar and grill with volunteers or paid works (approved by Executive Board) during games both on the weekend and during the weekdays
- Responsible for cleaning and maintaining all equipment necessary for running the snack bar effectively and efficiently.
- Weekly or biweekly ordering of both perishable and nonperishable items for the snack bar and bathrooms.
- Work with the Treasurer to ensure funds are available for ordering, keeping a cash register, and paying invoices.
- Work with Executive Board to change, add, or try new items in the snack bar
Scheduling Director (Russ Winans)
Responsible for scheduling season games, playoffs, championship games and practice schedule for fields
- Develop season schedule per division based on total number of games needed to be played per season
- Work with any Interlock Leagues per division to establish fair play throughout the season.
- Develop practice schedules on both main field and practice fields to allow fair time throughout divisions and teams.
- The Scheduling Director can request for one assistant approved by the Executive Board to assist in scheduling games and practices prior to season beginning.
- Once schedules are designed per season it will be brought to the Executive Board to review and sign off on
- Work with the Scorekeeper Director to make sure all games are played and input correctly into the system.
- Work with Division Directors to reschedule any games due to weather or outside circumstances out of our control.
Field Director (Nathan Sadowsky)
- Survey and inventory all fields and provide a list of needed repairs and maintenance to the Executive Board
- Supervise and direct all work parties on the playing fields.
- Provide people for watering and cutting on all fields.
- In conjunction with the Chief Umpire, Vice President and President, decide whether games are to be played based on field conditions.
- Authorizes all changes to fields in conjunction with Division Directors prior to work being started.
- Collect schedules from all Division Directors for infield maintenance.
- Serves as organization representative, in conjunction with Executive Vice President, if requested, to the Simi Valley Recreation and Parks Department.
- Establish a fiscal year budget in conjunction with the League Treasurer.
Volunteer Director (Jissel Parker)
The Volunteer Coordinator will be responsible for managing and scheduling volunteer opportunities for the League to assist with league events. League events include, but are not limited to, Opening/Closing Ceremonies, Picture Day (Spring Only), Movie Night (Fall Only), Dodger Day, Mother’s Day Event, as well as coordination of team parent packets, meetings, and chats. In addition to scheduling and managing volunteers they will update and maintain all display boards with upcoming events.
Scorekeeper Director (TBD)
The Official League Scorekeeper shall be responsible for all procedures and training governing team scorekeeping. He/She shall sit on the Rules Committee. The duties for this office include:
- Approval and distribution of the official scorebooks for the league
- Select and schedule all league/tournament scorekeepers.
- Provide training opportunities for team scorekeepers.
- Assist the Director of Scheduling when needed.
Sponsorship Director (TBD)
The Sponsorship Director is responsible for the following:
- Coordination of any and all activities related to the collection of funds related to sponsorship. Including but not limited to the sale of advertisements and outfield sign space.
- Monitoring and improving the sponsorship program
- Maintaining and installing banners
- Working with the Executive Board to select seasonal and league fundraisers each season.
Publicity Director (TBD)
The Publicity Director is responsible for all news releases for the entire news media, with approval of the Executive Board. The Publicity Director’s responsibilities include the following:
- Become acquainted with the sports editor of local newspapers and request coverage of all the organization’s events.
- Prepare a news release covering the activities of the league when needed.
- Collect information and compile monthly newsletter to be distributed to the general membership.
- Oversee the distribution of news releases via the SSBB website and other social media outlets associated with the organization.
- Collect photos to be displayed on the website and other social media outlets associated with the organization.
League Photographer (TBD)
1. Responsible for photographing all League events including but not limited to Opening Day, Closing Day, Movie Night, Mother’s Day, Breast Cancer Awareness, fundraising events etc.
2. Responsible for capturing photos from live games throughout each season in each division and every team.
3. Working with the Yearbook committee to make sure all pages are equally represented and photos are available to fill designated pages.
Equipment Director (TBD)
Responsible for the distribution, inventory, and return of all baseball equipment owned by the organization. This responsibility includes:
- Complete an inventory of all equipment no later than the end of each fiscal year.
- Distribution of the equipment before each season, with the assistance of the Division Directors
- Return of all equipment at the end of each season, with the assistance of the Division Directors
- Maintain “in” and “out” records of all equipment.
- Prepare with the Commissioners, a written list of equipment required to support the league for the following year.
- Maintain all equipment in a safe and presentable manner.
- Prepare a request for a bid list on all equipment, uniforms, accessories, supplies and items for resale whenever new vendors are sought, or periodically, at the discretion of the Executive Board.
Purchasing Agent (TBD)
- Assist the Equipment Director as required.
- Work with Executive Board to provide awards for the following:
- Participation awards for all divisions
- First and second place for Pinto, Mustang, Bronco, and Pony
- All-star yard signs.
- Treadway award
- Hernandez award
- Hubbard award
- Purchase plaques as needed by the league by the Executive Board
- Purchase pins when directed by the Executive Board
- Sumner Award
- Legacy Player Plaques
Web Administrator (TBD)
The Web administrator shall work in conjunction with the Executive Board and the Publicity Director to design, develop, and maintain the official SSBB website.
Store Director (TBD)
Responsible for running the Swag Store, selling merchandise and staffing during the season
- Work with the Executive Board and Equipment Director to design and present SSBB uniforms and merchandise to the Executive Board.
- Set up and staff Swag Store on weekends (during games) and for any event/activity held by the league.
- Work with Web Administrator and Publicity Director to promote merchandise.
Social Media Director (TBD)
The Social Media Director will be responsible for managing the League Facebook, Instagram, Twitter accounts and any other platforms the Executive Board finds relevant for the League. They will work closely with multiple members to make sure all important dates and events are shared in a timely manner. They will follow the criteria designed and developed for the League’s online presence and will work closely with an Executive Board Member assigned to assist as they begin the role.
Members at Large
The Board of Directors shall have no active Members-at-Large as each Board member shall be appointed or elected to a specific position. Members-at-Large shall be “Legacy Members'' who have served the League in previous years or have contributed to the organization in an honorary manner. Members-at-Large shall be those individuals who can offer their expertise to the League when called upon. Members-at-Large (Legacy Members) shall have no vote on the Board of Directors.
- Grove Anderson
- Marvin Stone
- Jim Ziemkowski